Who Is Patrick Chan Wife? Elizabeth Gale Putnam, Married Life & Kids Explored

Publish date: 2024-05-04

In the realm of renowned figure Patrick Chan, there’s an equally intriguing figure who adds depth to his life – none other than his wife, Elizabeth Gale Putnam. Let’s delve into the captivating tale of their married life and the joyous moments shared with their children

Patrick Chan in Men’s Figure Skating

Patrick Chan, once a formidable competitive figure skater, has ascended to the summit of men’s figure skating, earning global acclaim for his extraordinary blend of athleticism, technical prowess, and artistic finesse.1

Patrick Chan’s Triumphs on the World Stage

1. Three-Time World Champion

In the years 2011, 2012, and 2013, Patrick Chan secured his position as a three-time World champion, leaving an indelible mark on the prestigious competition.

2. Double Grand Prix Final Champion

The years 2010 and 2011 witnessed Patrick Chan’s dominance as he clinched the Grand Prix Final championship not once but twice, further solidifying his standing as a figure skating virtuoso.

Mastery Beyond Borders

1. Three-Time Four Continents Champion

Patrick Chan’s prowess extends beyond the world stage, with victories in the Four Continents Championship in 2009, 2012, and 2016, showcasing his consistency and brilliance on a global scale.

2. Ten-Time Canadian National Champion

On the domestic front, Patrick Chan’s legacy is etched in Canadian figure skating history, clinching the national championship an impressive ten times between 2008 and 2018.

The Record-Breaking Maestro

Undoubtedly, Patrick Chan reigns supreme in the realm of figure skating, boasting a world record overall score of 280.98 in free skating. This accomplishment further cements his status as a master of the craft, setting a standard that resonates globally.

Love Story of Patrick Chan and Elizabeth Gale Putnam

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In the realm of love and figure skating, Patrick Chan, the ten-time Canadian champion, has gracefully glided through life hand in hand with his beloved wife, Elizabeth Gale Putnam.2

This power couple has not only triumphed on the ice but also in the game of love, marking more than three years of marital bliss that began with a beautiful exchange of vows in September 2020.

The Grand Union: Patrick Chan and Elizabeth Gale Putnam’s Wedding Extravaganza

The love story of Patrick Chan and Elizabeth Gale Putnam reached its pinnacle in a grand wedding ceremony that captivated hearts in September 2020.

The couple, showcasing their love and commitment, embarked on a journey that has become an inspiration to many.

A Dazzling Display of Skill: 2020 Free-Skate Performance

One remarkable chapter in this love saga unfolded in 2020 when Patrick Chan and Elizabeth showcased not only their love but also their extraordinary skills.

The couple mesmerized audiences with a free-skate performance on an untouched plot of glaciered water in Vancouver. This stunning display of skill added a unique and captivating element to their already enchanting love story.

Parenthood Pinnacle: Welcoming Son Oliver

Fast forward to a year after their fairy-tale wedding, and the couple found themselves embracing the joys of parenthood. In September 2021, Patrick Chan and Elizabeth joyfully welcomed their son, Oliver, into the world.

This adorable addition to their family marked a new chapter filled with love, laughter, and the delightful challenges of raising a child.

Crafting a Love Story That Inspires

Beyond the glitz and glamour of championships, Patrick Chan and Elizabeth Gale Putnam have woven a love story that resonates with inspiration.

Their journey, from the grandeur of their wedding to the charming unpredictability of parenthood, reflects the essence of a true partnership.

Navigating Life Together: Patrick Chan and Elizabeth’s Solidarity

In the world of figure skating, where precision and coordination are paramount, Patrick Chan and Elizabeth Gale Putnam have translated these qualities seamlessly into their marriage. Their solidarity is evident not only on the ice but also in the everyday challenges that life presents.

A Glimpse Into the Future: What Lies Ahead for Patrick Chan’s Family

As the Chan-Putnam family continues to grow and evolve, the future holds exciting possibilities. Whether it’s witnessing Patrick Chan’s continued success in figure skating or experiencing the joys and milestones of Oliver’s journey, fans are eager to be a part of this extraordinary family’s story.

Patrick Chan’s Transformation Journey into Parenthood

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A Life Overhaul Amidst the Pandemic

Patrick Chan reflects on the profound transformation his life underwent at the onset of the pandemic. This former competitive figure skater not only bid adieu to his athletic career but also embarked on a new professional path by acquiring a real estate license.3

As if this shift wasn’t monumental enough, Patrick and his wife joyfully welcomed their precious son into the world, ushering in a wave of excitement and change.

The Ever-Evolving Journey of Parenthood

The arrival of a baby is a thrilling experience, albeit one accompanied by significant adjustments. Parenthood is a dynamic journey, a continuous evolution that unfolds with each passing moment.

Patrick shares that the road has been both beautiful and challenging, marked by a certain haziness and a multitude of uncertainties.

Shifting Plans and Changing Roles

Previously anchored in the stability of a defined future within the realm of competitive skating, Patrick’s plans took an unexpected turn due to the pandemic.

The transition from a professional athlete’s life of training and travel to that of a parent was a shift in mentality that happened swiftly. With these changes came the inevitable fears and anxieties, prompting Patrick to question his identity in this new role.

Unearthing Past Influences

Raising a child became a mirror reflecting both the best and the most challenging aspects of Patrick’s persona. Childhood memories, upbringing, career choices – all surfaced during the early months of parenting. Reacting abruptly to situations, stress, and a sense of confusion prompted Patrick to seek clarity through therapy.

The quest to understand his reactions and emotions became paramount in navigating the unfamiliar terrain of fatherhood.

Embracing Emotional Openness

Patrick’s wife, emotionally open by nature, played a crucial role in supporting him through the initial struggles. Growing up in an environment where discussing emotions was uncommon, Patrick acknowledges the importance of breaking this pattern.

He emphasizes the significance of vulnerability, stating that even if a solution isn’t apparent, engaging in open conversations is crucial.

Fostering Emotional Understanding for Future Generations

Patrick underscores the importance of understanding emotions, not just for personal growth but to pave the way for meaningful conversations with his son.

In contrast to previous generations, where parental presence was often overshadowed by work commitments, Patrick aims to create a different narrative.

By being open about his emotions, he hopes to instill in his son the value of vulnerability and open communication.

Building Connections through Shared Experiences

In a world filled with distractions, Patrick cherishes the power of shared stories. He finds solace in hearing others’ experiences – be it the challenges of first-time parenthood or navigating a career change.

This shared camaraderie alleviates the isolating feeling that can accompany moments of anxiety and uncertainty.

Finding Balance Amidst Life’s Changes

Acknowledging the myriad changes in his life, Patrick emphasizes the importance of focusing on the present. By confronting new challenges, embracing opportunities, and cherishing the partnership with his wife, he strives to ground himself.

In a fast-paced world, Patrick encourages creating moments of silence, fostering an environment where sharing is welcomed, patience is practiced, and growth becomes a collective journey.

Elizabeth Gale Putnam: A Tale of Triumph on Ice

Elizabeth Gale Putnam, a renowned Canadian former competitive pair skater, graced the ice with her prowess alongside partner Sean Wirtz. Born on November 28, 1984, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, her journey in the world of figure skating is nothing short of extraordinary.4

A Glimpse into Her Personal Life

Elizabeth’s roots trace back to Toronto, Ontario, where she entered the world on November 28, 1984. However, her path was not without challenges, as she faced the loss of her father in October 2006, adding a poignant layer to her personal narrative.

The Early Skating Years

Embarking on her skating odyssey in 1989, Putnam’s passion led her beyond singles, venturing into pairs at the young age of 15. Her initial foray into competitive skating saw her securing the 9th position with Mark Batka at the 2002 Canadian Championships.

Forming a Dynamic Duo: Partnership with Wirtz

The turning point in Putnam’s career came in July 2002 when she joined forces with Sean Wirtz, marking the beginning of a remarkable partnership. Their synchronicity was evident as they clinched bronze at the 2003 Canadian Championships and a commendable ninth place at the 2003 Four Continents in Beijing.

Grand Prix Triumphs and Challenges

The 2003–04 Grand Prix season witnessed Putnam/Wirtz making waves. From a promising debut at the 2003 Skate America to a triumphant bronze at the 2003 Bofrost Cup on Ice, they showcased their mettle. The subsequent season mirrored their success, securing bronze at the Canadian Championships and a solid 9th place at the Four Continents Championships.

The following Grand Prix series saw consistent performances, with notable highlights like a bronze at the 2006 Four Continents Championships in Colorado Springs. However, their journey faced setbacks, including visa issues and injuries, ultimately leading to the announcement of the end of their partnership on August 28, 2007.

Charting a New Course: The Later Career

Undeterred by challenges, Putnam pivoted back to single skating, undergoing training in Vancouver under the guidance of Jill Marie Harvey and Joanne McLeod.

A testament to her resilience, she ventured into new territories, gracing cruise ships with adagio pairs partner Jonathan Poitras.

In a captivating display of her skills, Elizabeth appeared in a video gliding gracefully on Widgeon Lake near Coquitlam, at an impressive altitude of 2,500 feet in 2015.

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Stars on Ice Tour in Victoria: Stojko and Chan in the Spotlight

In the vibrant world of figure skating, the Stars on Ice tour is set to dazzle Victoria once again on May 16, 2024, at the Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre.5

This year’s edition promises a star-studded cast, featuring the renowned Elvis Stojko and Patrick Chan. Let’s delve into the details of this spectacular event that continues to captivate audiences year after year.

Kurt Browning: A New Role Behind the Scenes

The four-time world champion Kurt Browning, a familiar face from previous tours, has gracefully transitioned from the spotlight to a new role. While he may not be performing on the ice in 2024, Browning assumes the positions of director and choreographer, adding his artistic touch to the show. His influence is sure to linger over the performance, enhancing the overall experience for the audience.

Stojko’s Muscular Skating Returns to Victoria

Elvis Stojko, the iconic silver medallist from the 1994 Lillehammer and 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics, makes a powerful comeback to the Stars on Ice tour.

Known for his muscular and dynamic style, Stojko’s performance is anticipated to leave a lasting impression on Blanshard Street. His return adds a touch of nostalgia, inviting fans to relive the magic of his three-time world championship victories.

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Patrick Chan: A Three-Time World Champion Returns

Another illustrious name making a comeback is Patrick Chan, a three-time Olympic medallist and three-time world champion.

His graceful and skillful performances have consistently wowed audiences worldwide. Chan’s presence on the Stars on Ice tour adds prestige to the event, creating an atmosphere of anticipation for his captivating routines.

Victoria: A Cherished Stop on the Tour

Since the opening of the Save-on-Foods Memorial Centre in 2005, Victoria has held a special place in the Stars on Ice tour itinerary.

Kurt Browning, reflecting on the bond between the show and the city, expressed his fondness for the cozy rink and the fantastic Victoria crowd.

The emotional significance of Victoria being the second-to-last or last show adds a poignant touch to the event’s conclusion.

The 2024 Tour: Dates and Featured Skaters

The 12-stop Stars on Ice tour kicks off on April 25 in Halifax, traversing through various cities before concluding in Victoria on May 16.

The lineup of skaters for the 2024 tour includes notable names like ice dancers Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier, champions and Olympians Madeline Schizas and Keegan Messing, pairs champions Deanna Stellato-Dudek and Maxime Deschamps, as well as Olympians Loena Hendrickx and Satoko Miyahara.

As the excitement builds, additional performers for the tour will be revealed, promising an unforgettable spectacle for figure skating enthusiasts. Stay tuned for updates on this captivating journey of athleticism and artistry, as Stars on Ice continues to shine


  • Q: How many times did Patrick Chan win the World Championship in Men’s Figure Skating?
  • Q: What is Patrick Chan’s highest world record score in free skating?
  • Q: When did Patrick Chan and Elizabeth Gale Putnam get married?
  • Q: How many times did Patrick Chan win the Canadian National Championship in Men’s Figure Skating?
  • Q: In which year did Patrick Chan and Elizabeth Gale Putnam welcome their son, Oliver?
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