From London to East London: Lady's Accent Switch Leaves SA in Stitches

Publish date: 2024-05-08

- A local woman has left many people in stitches after sharing a funny video in which she perfects different accents

- In the clip, she pretends to be British but her South African roots quickly show up as she gets annoyed by a local man

- Mzansi thought this was hilarious and were in the comment section laughing their butts off

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A young woman has left many South Africans both super impressed and super amused after sharing a hilarious video of herself absolutely perfecting a British accent while pretending to be a tourist in Durban.

Not long into the funny clip, a man comes up to her window and asks her for something in Zulu. She then politely tells him she's busy but he remains persistent. She then completely abandons her accent and hilariously scolds the man in an African language.

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The funny clip has resulted in locals come up with the funniest comments. Many of them love how she was able to execute the British accent so well. Read a few of their funny comments below:

@luzukoslip said:

"Hayiboo from American to kasi gal."

@Bhut_Ndala said:

"From London to East London."

@blekmejikevents said:

"It's the strong Xhosa accent for me."

In other funny Briefly News reports, imagine waking up and speaking with an entirely different accent? A Brisbane dentist does not have to. According to various reports, the 27-year-old woman had undergone tonsil removal surgery and woke up with an Irish accent.

In various articles, Angie Yen says that she has never been to Ireland and neither does she have any relatives - even distant - who are from the country, which makes her case even more peculiar than ever.

After doing some research, Dr Yen now believes that she may have something called "foreign accent syndrome" a rare speech disorder that can sometimes be corrected with speech therapy, News24 reports.

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