Everything About Justine Simmons Daughter

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Victoria Anne Simmons is a name that carries both joy and sorrow within it. Born to the famous celebrity couple, Joseph and Justine Simmons, Victoria’s life was fleeting but impactful, shining briefly in the hearts of her family members and leaving an indelible mark on their lives.

Joseph Simmons, popularly known as “Rev. Run,” is a renowned rapper and music producer who is revered as a founding member of the iconic rap group, Run-DMC.

His wife, Justine Simmons, complements his fame, herself being a prominent personality. Their union was further blessed with the birth of their children, among whom Victoria Anne Simmons is remembered with a special poignancy.

Born on September 26, 2006, Victoria’s life was tragically cut short on the same day due to a birth defect known as omphalocele. This defect caused her organs to grow outside of her body, a condition that proved insurmountable. The beautiful baby girl, who was American by birth and of mixed ethnicity, was not able to survive this birth complication.

Her birth and untimely demise were not just events that transpired in the privacy of a hospital room, but were moments shared with millions of people who watched the reality show “Run’s House.”

The courage of the Simmons family was on full display as they decided to allow camera crews into their personal space during this heartrending time.

Despite the sorrow that surrounded Victoria’s birth and death, her memory remains a testament to love, strength, and resilience.

Background of Parents of Victoria Anne Simmons

Joseph Simmons – Father of Victoria Anne Simmons

Joseph Simmons, often known as “Rev. Run,” has a substantial impact on the world of music. His illustrious career as a rapper and music producer has earned him both fame and substantial financial success.

He is a founding member of the legendary rap group Run-DMC, which paved the way for many future artists in the rap and hip-hop genre.

Thanks to his substantial contributions to the music industry, he has managed to amass an impressive net worth, estimated at around $70 million.

Justine Simmons – Mother of Victoria Anne Simmons

Justine Simmons is the other half of this influential couple. Despite living a life filled with glamour and fame, Justine’s devotion to her family shines brightly, particularly in her role as a mother.

Her dedication to her children is both admirable and inspiring, and her efforts extend well beyond motherhood. Justine herself has made a mark in her career and is reportedly worth about $10 million.

The strength and resilience of these two individuals were tested in the most challenging way possible with the birth of their daughter, Victoria.

The parents went above and beyond, doing everything in their power to save their child during her birth complications, a testament to their unconditional love and devotion.

Victoria’s Birth and Brief Life

Birth of Victoria Anne Simmons

On September 26, 2006, the Simmons family welcomed Victoria Anne Simmons into their lives. Born prematurely, Victoria entered the world sooner than expected.

Yet, her arrival was met with hope and joy, her presence adding another layer of love to an already adoring family.

Premature Birth and Challenges

Victoria’s birth was not like most. She was born prematurely and weighed only four pounds and five ounces. Her weight was less than that of a typical newborn, which generally ranges between 5.5 and 7.5 pounds.

Born via cesarean section, Victoria’s start to life was one marked by strength and struggle. Her early arrival was an indication of the challenges she and her family would soon have to face.

Birth Defect – Omphalocele

Unfortunately, Victoria was born with a rare birth defect known as an omphalocele. This condition results in an infant’s organs developing outside the body.

In Victoria’s case, it was a struggle her fragile body could not overcome. Despite the best efforts of her parents and medical team, Victoria’s life was abruptly cut short due to this condition.

She tragically passed away on the same day she was born, marking an end to her brief yet impactful life. Her short time on earth was a testament to the fight and courage she embodied.

The Family’s Struggle

Parents’ Efforts and Emotional Turmoil

In the face of Victoria’s condition, Joseph and Justine Simmons showcased exceptional courage. They left no stone unturned, sparing no expense in their fervent efforts to save their beloved daughter.

But even with their tremendous resources, the severity of Victoria’s condition proved insurmountable. This painful journey was marked with emotional turmoil that resonated deeply within the family.

Justine Simmons, in the couple’s book “Old School Love” published in 2020, shared her feelings about her daughter’s loss. She said, “I had carried Victoria Anne full-term; she was in me, a part of me. I could feel her every single day in me… I was lonely for my child.”

Decision to Document on “Run’s House”

In the midst of their struggle, the Simmons family made the brave decision to allow camera crews to document their journey on their reality show, “Run’s House.”

The intention was not to capitalize on the tragedy but to bring awareness about the condition and their personal struggle, showing the human side of their celebrity status.

This decision further spotlighted the ordeal they were going through, touching millions of hearts worldwide.

Impact on the Simmons Family

Victoria’s loss marked a significant turning point for the Simmons family. Her absence was a void that could never be filled, and it deeply affected every member of the family.

Despite this, they found strength in their shared grief, supporting each other through the dark times that followed her passing.

They found solace in the belief, as Joseph Simmons stated, that “we see life in death and believe in the celebration of life in death.”

The family’s resilience in the face of this heart-rending loss served as an example for many, underlining the power of unity and familial bonds during life’s most challenging times.

Media Coverage

The birth and untimely death of Victoria Anne Simmons were covered extensively by the media, largely due to the prominence of her parents in the entertainment industry.

The entire experience, right from the anticipation of her birth to the unfortunate events that followed, was aired on the family’s popular reality TV show, “Run’s House“.

This episode was unique as it offered a raw and intimate glimpse into the family’s journey, including the process of Victoria’s birth via C-section, and the heartbreaking revelation of her birth defect and subsequent passing.

The Simmons family’s decision to share their most vulnerable moments on television offered a profoundly human perspective on their struggle.

Public Reaction and Support

The news of Victoria’s demise sent shockwaves through the public, particularly the viewers of “Run’s House”.

Fans of the show, who had witnessed the Simmons’ journey of anticipation and joy leading up to Victoria’s birth, were suddenly confronted with the tragic news of her passing.

The emotional narrative touched millions, eliciting an outpouring of sympathy and support for the Simmons family. Many people expressed their condolences, while others offered words of comfort and encouragement.

The tragedy of Victoria Anne Simmons’ short-lived life reminded many of the human side of celebrities and the shared vulnerability that cuts across status and fame.

Siblings and Family of Victoria Anne Simmons

Victoria’s Siblings

Although Victoria Anne Simmons had a tragically brief life, her presence is fondly remembered by her siblings.

She had five siblings: Diggy, Russell II, Jojo, Angela, and Vanessa. Her biological brothers are Diggy and Russell II, who share both their parents, Joseph and Justine Simmons. Joseph, Vanessa, and Angela are her half-siblings, sharing their father Joseph Simmons, yet hailing from a different mother.

Each of them, in their unique ways, were anticipating the arrival of their little sister and were deeply impacted by her loss.

Relationships of Victoria Anne Simmons with Her Biological and Half-Siblings

Despite the brevity of Victoria’s life, her presence marked a significant chapter in the family’s story.

It’s important to understand that while the siblings did not have the opportunity to foster a relationship with Victoria, her anticipated arrival and subsequent loss left an indelible mark on them.

Each of them, in their own way, felt the absence of the sister they never got to know. Victoria’s story became a poignant part of their family narrative and her memory continues to be a significant part of their family history.

After Victoria’s Passing

Adoption of Miley Justine Simmons

In the wake of the heartrending loss of Victoria, the Simmons family chose to channel their grief into bringing another child into their lives.

They opened their hearts and home to Miley Justine Simmons, a one-month-old girl. Miley was adopted shortly after Victoria’s passing, marking a new chapter of hope and healing for the bereaved family.

This decision wasn’t a replacement for their loss but rather a step towards fostering love and joy within their family again.

Remembering Victoria and the Journey of Healing

The journey of healing after Victoria’s loss was a profound and deeply personal one for each member of the Simmons family.

Victoria may have had a brief life, but her memory continues to occupy a significant place in the family’s heart. Her mother, Justine, poignantly expressed her mourning process in the couple’s book ‘Old School Love’ in 2020.

She penned, “I had carried Victoria Anne full-term; she was in me, a part of me. I could feel her every single day in me… I was trying to heal my body, heal my sadness, heal my sorrow, and heal my heart … I was lonely for my child.”

Despite the pain, the Simmons family has found strength in their unity. They continue to honor Victoria’s memory, treating her as an integral part of their family narrative.

They accept and acknowledge her life as a celebration, a poignant testament to their love and resilience. Her story, though brief, continues to inspire them and hold a significant place in their lives.


Victoria Anne Simmons’ life, though remarkably brief, left an indelible impact on her family and extended to the broader public sphere as well.

Her story, unveiled in the raw and unfiltered reality of ‘Run’s House,’ touched the hearts of many viewers, provoking an outpour of support and sympathy for the Simmons family.

Victoria’s narrative served as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life, even as it shed light on the rare and challenging birth defect of omphalocele. Her life might have been fleeting, but the influence she had continues to resonate powerfully.

Victoria Anne Simmons remains an integral part of the Simmons’ family tapestry. Her life, while short, was full of significance, forever woven into the collective memory of her family and the broader public that followed their journey.

Despite the pain of her loss, the Simmons family has demonstrated remarkable resilience, channeling their grief into positive actions such as adoption and sharing their healing process with the world.

Victoria’s story continues to be a testament to love, loss, and the strength of family unity. Although her physical presence was brief, her spirit endures, reflected in the ongoing love and remembrance shared by her family and the public alike.

FAQs on Victoria Anne Simmons

1. Who were Victoria Anne Simmons’ parents?

Victoria Anne Simmons was the daughter of the celebrity couple Joseph and Justine Simmons. Joseph Simmons is a successful rapper and producer, also known as “Rev. Run,” and Justine Simmons is a devoted mother and an entrepreneur.

2. What was the cause of Victoria Anne Simmons’ death?

Victoria Anne Simmons was born with a rare birth defect known as omphalocele, which caused her internal organs to grow outside her body. She tragically died shortly after her birth on September 26, 2006.

3. How did Victoria Anne Simmons’ family deal with her loss?

Victoria’s family, especially her parents, Joseph and Justine Simmons, went through an emotional turmoil following her demise. They openly shared their experience and grief on their reality show, “Run’s House,” helping them to cope with the loss.

4. How was Victoria Anne Simmons’ birth and death covered in the media?

The birth and subsequent death of Victoria Anne Simmons were covered extensively by major media outlets. These events were also portrayed on the Simmons family’s reality show, “Run’s House,” providing an intimate look into their personal lives during this difficult time.

5. How did the Simmons family remember Victoria Anne Simmons after her passing?

Despite Victoria’s short life, her memory remains alive in her family. After Victoria’s passing, the family adopted Miley Justine Simmons, a gesture symbolizing their healing and growth from the tragedy. Victoria continues to be remembered and celebrated as a part of the Simmons family.


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